- create an error map associated with the line ratio maps created.
- v0.3.1, June 2016, F.P.A. Vogt
- tied a step to fit_kinematic_pa to derive the P.A. from the velocity maps.
- added new logo to website.
- added module to compute the [SII] line ratio - no density for now, just the ratio.
- fixed a “feature” in aplpy not showing the outer-nan’s-only regions in the plots. Now, each plot shows the full extent of the MUSE cube, irrespective of how few spaxels are actually not NaN’s. I use ax._ax1.set_xlim() and ax._ax1.set_ylim() to do so.
- added ability to add a scale bar to all the plots.
- added module to create RGB images from 3 line fluxes.
- added module to plot line ratio maps.
- added a gallery to the website.
- v0.3.0, May 2016, F.P.A. Vogt:
- renamed brian to brutus - to avoid conflict with existing brian module on pypi.
- added computation of LogQ and Tot[O]+12 via pyqz.
- bug fixes.
- downloaded additional stellar templates from the MILES library.
- created a “mixed continuum” cube, used in the interactive fit inspection (and elsewhere).
- created pyqz plots
- beefed-up the acknowledgment section of the doc to include the reddening laws, the MILES spectral library info, the reference to fit_kinematic_pa.
- v0.2.0, May 2016, F.P.A. Vogt:
- added the ability to rescale the y-axis of the fit residual plots in the interactive fit inspection window
- updated brian_red, so that the Fischera & Dopita (2005) attenuation law for a turbulent dust screen can now be derived for any Rv and Rva values (use polynomials from the article, unlike Appendix A of Vogt+ (2013)). Thanks to R. Sutherland for sharing his reddening code that helped me make sense of these polynomials !
- implemented a processing step to correct for the extragalactic reddening/attenuation
- added step to correct for galactic extinction, using the NED value for Av and Ab
- v0.1.1, April 2016, F.P.A. Vogt:
- replaced ‘0.1’ with ‘__version__’ when saving fits headers
- separated the continuum fitting from the construction of the continuum data cube, for clarity and consistency with the emission lines
- added local copy of mpfit as for portability
- refined plot legends and colorbar ticks
- started catching numpy warnings in known locations, triggered by all-nan’s spaxels
- implemented a dictionary of created filenames (in brian_metadata), to better keep track of what is created, with much less hard-coded filenames
- added home-made “alligator” colorbar for that special look (and also to show nan’s and spaxels that land at the edges or outside a colorbar range for a given plot)
- connected brian to ppxf
- defined structure of the docstring, to be used through brian, in brian_cof.lowess_fit
- added interactive plot to inspect the results of the fit - and the ability to save a pretty plot from it
- bugfixes
- v0.1.0, April 2016, F.P.A. Vogt:
- created overall code structure inspired by pywifes
- implemented continuum fitting using LOWESS approach
- implemented modular emission line fitting via mpfit
- added safety measures to catch KeyboardInterrupt during multiprocessing tasks
- created preliminary documentation structure
- initial upload to Github
- added license info
- added semi-automatic detection of structures, and ability to interact to add/remove apertures of varying radii
- added creation of “aperture spectra cube” based on a given aperture list