.. _faq: FAQ ==== **Q**: What's with the versioning scheme ? **A**: Each version of fcmaker is flagged as ``vXXX.Y.Z``, starting from ``v103.0.0``. ``XXX`` designs the observing period (in ESO convention) that fcmaker has been tuned to. ``Y`` and ``Z`` indicate major and minor subversions, respectively. As a rule of thumb, important updates that can justify to have users upgrade their version of the code will increase ``Y``. In turn, minor upgrades (e.g. cosmetic changes with no impact on the scientific content of the chart) will lead to an increase in ``Z``. **Q: How does fcmaker deal with proper motions?** **A**: fcmaker relies on ``astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.appl_space_motion()`` routine to propagate proper motion between epochs. This routine assumes that the target is moving in a straight line (in space). It also requires the distance along the-line-of sight to the target. In comparison, the VLT propagates proper motions by assuming that the target moves along a Great Circle on the sky. The error associated with this mismatch will be negligible in most cases, particularly if user-provided coordinates are at recent epochs.