1. Q: When importing pyqz, I get the following WARNING: Statsmodels module not found. KDE_method must be set to 'gauss' or else I will crash. What does this mean ?
A: pyqz could not import the statsmodels module. See Troubleshooting for more details.

  1. Q: pyqz is returning a lot of different values for LogQ and Tot[O]+12. What do they all mean and which one should I use ?

    A: See What estimates of LogQ and Tot[O]+12 should one use ?

  1. Q: I have my own set of simulations of HII regions. Can I use pyqz with those ?

    A: In principle, yes. pyqz is designed to be fed by an awk script shipped with the MAPPINGS code. But if you make your simulations look like what pyqz is expecting (namely, a suitable filename and file structure matching the ones inside pyqz.pyqzm.pyqz_grid_dir), then you ought to be able to use pyqz just fine with non-MAPPINGS data.

  1. Q: What’s with the “Paired” colorbar ? Doesn’t that violate all the rules about valid color schemes in scientific diagrams ?

    A: Well, yes. But it is also an excellent way of visualizing rapid local changes in the LogQ and Tot[O]+12 plane, e.g. across the PDF associated with specific LogQ and Tot[O]+12 estimates, AND throughout the entire extent of the MAPPINGS grids - especially when resampled 2 or 3 times. In any case, you can easily enable a colorbar of your choosing by redefining pyqz.pyqzm.pyqz_cmap_0 to your liking, e.g. pyqz.pyqzm.pyqz_cmap_0 = 'Blues'.

  1. Q: My plots look weird after using pyqz ? Why ?

    A: To make sure that the label axis are displayed properly, pyqz relies on a custom matplotlib style file (pyqz_plots.mplstyle). If you want to revert back to the default style after using pyqz, you can do so via (e.g.): plt.style.use('classical')