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The X3D Pathway

Github repository associated with Vogt+, ApJ 818, 115 (2016) & Vogt+, PASP (2017)

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Interactive HTML with Python and X3D: HCG 91
Created April 2015 by F.P.A.Vogt. Published as supplementary material in Vogt+, ApJ 818, 115 (2016).
Questions, comments :
If you find this code useful for your research, please cite the following article accordingly:

Vogt, Owen, Verdes-Montenegro & Borthakur, Advanced Data Visualization in Astrophysics: the X3D Pathway, ApJ 818, 115 (2016). (arXiv; ADS)

Let us first use the unmodified X3D file exported from Mayavi to create the interactive model. As in the case of the red dice example, the resulting interactive model does not look how one would expect.

If one implements the different corrective steps described in the red dice example, one can improve the look of the model significantly. All the modifications to the original X3D file (HCG91.x3d) are tagged with a comment line with the structure <!-- FPAV: ... --> in the corrected X3D file (HCG91_mod.x3d) for rapid identification.

After adding some interaction buttons to toogle the different HI iso-contours on/off, and defining specific top-front-side viewpoints, the final interactive HTML model of the HI gas content inside HCG 91 is as follows.

HI layers:

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