Source code for brutus_plots

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 brutus: a set of Python modules to process datacubes from integral field spectrographs.\n
 Copyright (C) 2016,  F.P.A. Vogt
 This file contains tools for the brutus routines to create pretty plots seamlessly.

 Created April 2016, F.P.A. Vogt -
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import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec 
import aplpy
import photutils
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
import as pyfits
from astropy import wcs
import pickle
import os

from brutus_metadata import alligator

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import matplotlib as mpl
# Use tex - a pain to setup, but it looks great when it works !
mpl.rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif', 'serif':['Computer Modern Serif'], 
                 'sans-serif':['Helvetica'], 'size':20, 
                 'weight':500, 'variant':'normal'})
mpl.rc('axes',**{'labelweight':'normal', 'linewidth':1})
mpl.rc('ytick',**{'major.pad':12, 'color':'k'})
mpl.rc('text', **{'usetex':True})
                             r'\usepackage{upgreek}, \usepackage{amsmath}')
mpl.rc('contour', **{'negative_linestyle':'solid'}) # dashed | solid
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[docs]def make_galred_plot(lams, alams, etau, Ab, Av, ofn): ''' Plots the extinction Alambda and flux correction factor for galactic extinction. :Args: lams: 1-D numpy array The wavelength nodes. alams: 1-D numpy array The corresponding values of Alambda. etau: 1-D numpy array The flux correction factor, i.e. F_(unextinct)/F_(observed). Ab: float The value of Ab. Av: float The value of Av. :Returns: True Always. ''' plt.close(1) plt.figure(1,figsize=(10,7)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1, height_ratios=[1], width_ratios=[1]) gs.update(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.93, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.03) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax.plot(lams,alams,'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength [\AA]') ax.set_ylabel(r'A$_\lambda$ [mag]') ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(lams,etau,'-',c='firebrick',drawstyle='steps-mid') ax2.set_ylabel(r'F$_{\lambda,0}$/F$_{\lambda,obs}= e^{\tau}$', color='firebrick', labelpad=10) ax2.tick_params(axis='y',colors='firebrick') ax.set_title(r'Galactic extinction correction') plt.savefig(ofn, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
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[docs]def show_scale(ax, scale_length = [10.,5.0], scale_loc='top left'): ''' Adds a scale bar to a given 2-D plot. :Args: ax: aplpy 'ax' instance The axes to which to add the sale. scale_length: list of float [default: [10.,5.0]] The scale length in arcsec and kpc scale_loc: string [default: 'top left'] The locaqtion of the scale bar. e.g 'top right', 'bottom left', etc ... ''' ax.add_scalebar(scale_length[0]/3600) #Length in degrees mylabel = r'%i$^{\prime\prime}$=%.1fkpc' % (scale_length[0],scale_length[1])[0]/3600., label=mylabel, corner = scale_loc, color = 'k', frame=True) ax.scalebar.set_linewidth(3)
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[docs]def make_2Dplot(fn, # path to the data (complete!) ext = 1, # Which extension am I looking for ? ofn = 'plot.pdf', # Savefig filename contours = False, # Draw any contours stretch = 'arcsinh', vmin = None, vmax = None, cmap = None, cblabel = None, cbticks = None, scalebar = None, ): '''Creates an image from a 2-D fits image with WCS info. :Args: fn: string The filename (+path!) fo the fits file to display. ext: int (default:1) The extension of the image to display. The data in this extension MUST be 2-D. ofn: string [default:'plot.pdf'] The output filename (+path!) contours: bool,list of floats [default: False] If set, shows contours at said levels, e.g. [1,3,5,10.5] stretch: string [default:'arcsinh'] The stretch of the image, fed to aplpy.FITSFigure. 'linear', 'arcsinh', ... vmin: float [default: None] If set, the lower bound of the colorbar vmax: float [default: None] If set, the upper bound of the colorbar cmap: string If set, the colormap to use. Use 'alligator' for the special brutus cmap. cblabel: string [default:None] If set, the label of the colorbar. cbticks: list of int [default: None] If set, the colorbar ticks. scalebar: list [default: None] If set, adds a scale bar to the plot. Format: [lenght arcsec, length kpc, loc] :Returns: out: True Always. :Notes: This function absolutely requires WCS coordinates, and a 2-D array. ''' # Plot the BW image using the 2d image to indicate the projection plt.close(1) fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,9)) ax1 = aplpy.FITSFigure(fn, hdu=ext, figure=fig1, north=True) if cmap == 'alligator': ax1.show_colorscale(stretch=stretch, vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=alligator, interpolation='nearest') elif cmap: ax1.show_colorscale(stretch=stretch, vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=cmap) else: ax1.show_grayscale(invert=True, stretch=stretch,vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Here, let's make sure that the full extent of the plot is visible. # To do so, I need to open the file to know how big the array is. hdu = header = hdu[ext].header data = hdu[ext].data hdu.close() # What is the size of the map ? (ny,nx) = np.shape(data) # What are the indices of the outermost spaxels ? These are the currents limits. (ys,xs) = np.mgrid[0:ny:1,0:nx:1] xs = xs[data==data] ys = ys[data==data] xpix_min = np.sort(xs.reshape(np.size(xs)))[0] xpix_max = np.sort(xs.reshape(np.size(xs)))[::-1][0] ypix_min = np.sort(ys.reshape(np.size(ys)))[0] ypix_max = np.sort(ys.reshape(np.size(ys)))[::-1][0] # Ok, then, update the axis limits accordingly. # NOTE: this is via the matplotlib commands below aplpy, and works with pixels. I think. # From my experiment it should also update the axes tick labels as required. ax1._ax1.set_xlim(0.5-xpix_min,nx+0.5-xpix_min) ax1._ax1.set_ylim(0.5-ypix_min,ny+0.5-ypix_min) ax1._ax1.set_axis_bgcolor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ax1.set_tick_color('k') ax1.add_grid() # Do I want to show contours ? if contours: ax1.show_contour(fn, hdu=ext, levels=contours, colors=['darkorange']) # Do I want to add a scalebar ? if not(scalebar is None): show_scale(ax1, scale_length = scalebar[:2], scale_loc = scalebar[2]) # Make it look pretty ax1.set_axis_labels(ylabel='Dec. (J2000)') ax1.set_axis_labels(xlabel='R.A. (J2000)') ax1.tick_labels.set_xformat('hh:mm:ss') ax1.tick_labels.set_yformat('dd:mm:ss') ax1.add_colorbar() ax1.colorbar.set_width(0.2) ax1.colorbar.set_location('top') if cblabel: ax1.colorbar.set_axis_label_text(cblabel) ax1.colorbar.set_axis_label_pad(10) if cbticks: ax1.colorbar.set_ticks(cbticks) ax1.grid.set_color('k') ax1.grid.set_linestyle('dotted') ax1.set_nan_color((0.5,0.5,0.5)) # Save it fig1.savefig(ofn, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(1) return True
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[docs]def make_2Dvelplot(fn, # path to the data (complete!) ext = 1, # Which extension am I looking for ? ofn = 'plot.pdf', # Savefig filename contours = False, # Draw any contours stretch = 'arcsinh', vmin = None, vmax = None, cmap = None, cblabel = None, cbticks = None, pa = None, center = None, scalebar = None, ): '''Creates an image from a 2-D fits image of a velocity field with WCS info and a known position angle. :Args: fn: string The filename (+path!) fo the fits file to display. ext: int (default:1) The extension of the image to display. The data in this extension MUST be 2-D. ofn: string [default:'plot.pdf'] The output filename (+path!) contours: bool,list of floats [default: False] If set, shows contours at said levels, e.g. [1,3,5,10.5] stretch: string [default:'arcsinh'] The stretch of the image, fed to aplpy.FITSFigure. 'linear', 'arcsinh', ... vmin: float [default: None] If set, the lower bound of the colorbar vmax: float [default: None] If set, the upper bound of the colorbar cmap: string If set, the colormap to use. Use 'alligator' for the special brutus cmap. cblabel: string [default: None] If set, the label of the colorbar. cbticks: list of int [default: None] If set, the colorbar ticks. scalebar: list [default: None] If set, adds a scale bar to the plot. Format: [lenght arcsec, length kpc, loc] pa: list [default: None] If set, the P.A. of the velocity field, drawn with a dashed line. center: list [default: None] If set, the location of the center of the velocity field IN PIXELS. :Returns: out: True Always. :Notes: This function absolutely requires WCS coordinates, and a 2-D array. ''' # Plot the BW image using the 2d image to indicate the projection plt.close(1) fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,9)) ax1 = aplpy.FITSFigure(fn, hdu=ext, figure=fig1, north=True) if cmap == 'alligator': ax1.show_colorscale(stretch=stretch, vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=alligator) elif cmap: ax1.show_colorscale(stretch=stretch, vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap=cmap) else: ax1.show_grayscale(invert=True, stretch=stretch,vmax = vmax, vmin=vmin) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Here, let's make sure that the full extent of the plot is visible. # To do so, I need to open the file to know how big the array is. hdu = header = hdu[ext].header data = hdu[ext].data hdu.close() # What is the size of the map ? (ny,nx) = np.shape(data) # What are the indices of the outermost spaxels ? These are the currents limits. (ys,xs) = np.mgrid[0:ny:1,0:nx:1] xs = xs[data==data] ys = ys[data==data] xpix_min = np.sort(xs.reshape(np.size(xs)))[0] xpix_max = np.sort(xs.reshape(np.size(xs)))[::-1][0] ypix_min = np.sort(ys.reshape(np.size(ys)))[0] ypix_max = np.sort(ys.reshape(np.size(ys)))[::-1][0] # Ok, then, update the axis limits accordingly. # NOTE: this is via the matplotlib commands below aplpy, and works with pixels. I think. # From my experiment it should also update the axes tick labels as required. ax1._ax1.set_xlim(0.5-xpix_min,nx+0.5-xpix_min) ax1._ax1.set_ylim(0.5-ypix_min,ny+0.5-ypix_min) ax1._ax1.set_axis_bgcolor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ax1.set_tick_color('k') ax1.add_grid() if contours: ax1.show_contour(fn, hdu=ext, levels=contours, colors=['darkorange']) # Do I want to add a scalebar ? if not(scalebar is None): show_scale(ax1, scale_length = scalebar[:2], scale_loc = scalebar[2]) # Make it look pretty ax1.set_axis_labels(ylabel='Dec. (J2000)') ax1.set_axis_labels(xlabel='R.A. (J2000)') ax1.tick_labels.set_xformat('hh:mm:ss') ax1.tick_labels.set_yformat('dd:mm:ss') ax1.add_colorbar() ax1.colorbar.set_width(0.2) ax1.colorbar.set_location('top') if cblabel: ax1.colorbar.set_axis_label_text(cblabel) ax1.colorbar.set_axis_label_pad(10) if cbticks: ax1.colorbar.set_ticks(cbticks) ax1.grid.set_color('k') ax1.grid.set_linestyle('dotted') ax1.set_nan_color((0.5,0.5,0.5)) if center: if pa: # Very well, I need access to the number of pixels, etc ... # All I can think of right now is open the fits file by hand ... # TODO: find a smarter way ? hdu = header = hdu[ext].header data = hdu[ext].data hdu.close() # Let's deal with the WCS position properly. # WARNING: usinf pixel2world inside aplpy leads to bad results, if there are # some nans around the image ! # USe astropy.wcs instead w = wcs.WCS(header) # What is the size of the map ? (ny,nx) = np.shape(data) xs = np.arange(0,nx,1) # Where do I want to plot my line ? ly = np.tan(np.radians(pa[0]-90.)) * (xs - center[0]) + center[1] line = w.wcs_pix2world( np.array([ [xs[i],ly[i]] for i in range(nx) if (ly[i]>0) and (ly[i]<ny) ]),0) # Plot the line ax1.show_lines([line.T], lw=4, color='k') ax1.show_lines([line.T], lw=3, color='w', linestyle='--') center_world = w.wcs_pix2world(np.array([center]), 0) # Circle with 1 arcsec diameter. ax1.show_circles(center_world[0][0], center_world[0][1], 0.5/3600., lw=1, color='darkorange', edgecolor='k', facecolor='darkorange') # Save it fig1.savefig(ofn, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(1) return True
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[docs]def make_RGBplot(fns, ofn, stretch = 'linear', plims = [None, None, None, None, None, None], vlims = [None, None, None, None, None, None], title = None, scalebar = None, ): '''Creates an RGB image from three fits files. :Args: fn: list strings The filename (+path!) fo the 3 fits file to display (in R, G and B orders). ofn: string The filneame (+path) of the output file. stretch: string [default: 'log'] The stretch to apply to the data, e.g. 'linear', 'log', 'arcsinh'. plims: list of floats [default: [None, None, None, None, None, None]] The limiting percentiles for the plot, as [pmin_r, pmax_r, pmin_g, pmax_g, pmin_b, pmax_b] vlims: list of floats [default: [None, None, None, None, None, None]] The limtiing values for the plot (superseeds plims), as [vmin_r, vmax_r, vmin_g, vmax_g, vmin_b, vmax_b] scalebar: list [default: None] If set, adds a scale bar to the plot. Format: [lenght arcsec, length kpc, loc] :Returns: out: True Always. :Notes: This function absolutely requires WCS coordinates, and a 2-D array. ''' # First, make an RGB cube fn_RGB = os.path.join('.','RGB_tmp_cube.fits') aplpy.make_rgb_cube(fns, fn_RGB) # And an RGB image fn_RGB_im = os.path.join('.','RGB_tmp_im.png') aplpy.make_rgb_image(fn_RGB, fn_RGB_im, stretch_r=stretch, stretch_g=stretch, stretch_b=stretch, vmin_r = vlims[0], vmin_g = vlims[2], vmin_b = vlims[4], vmax_r = vlims[1], vmax_g = vlims[3], vmax_b = vlims[5], pmin_r = plims[0], pmax_r = plims[1], pmin_g = plims[2], pmax_g = plims[3], pmin_b = plims[4], pmax_b = plims[5], embed_avm_tags = False, make_nans_transparent=True) # Plot the RGB image using the 2d image to indicate the projection plt.close(1) fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,9)) fn_RGB_2d = os.path.join('.','RGB_tmp_cube_2d.fits') ax1 = aplpy.FITSFigure(fn_RGB_2d, figure=fig1) ax1.show_rgb(fn_RGB_im, interpolation='nearest') ax1.set_tick_color('k') if not(title is None): ax1.set_title(title, y=1.025) ax1.add_grid() # Make it look pretty ax1.grid.set_color('k') ax1.grid.set_linestyle('dotted') ax1.set_nan_color((0.5,0.5,0.5)) ax1._ax1.set_axis_bgcolor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Do I want to add a scalebar ? if not(scalebar is None): show_scale(ax1, scale_length = scalebar[:2], scale_loc = scalebar[2]) # Make it look pretty ax1.set_axis_labels(ylabel='Dec. (J2000)') ax1.set_axis_labels(xlabel='R.A. (J2000)') ax1.tick_labels.set_xformat('hh:mm:ss') ax1.tick_labels.set_yformat('dd:mm:ss') # Save it fig1.savefig(ofn, bbox_inches='tight') # And remember to delete all the temporary files for f in [fn_RGB_im, fn_RGB_2d, fn_RGB]: os.remove(f) return True
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[docs]class ApManager(object): ''' The class managing the interactive aperture selection plot. This class is designed to add and remove apertures of different radii to a matplotlib plot interactively. It handles right-clicks, left-clicks and keyPressEvents :Args: fig: Figure instance from matplotlib The Figure we are working with. ax: Axes instance from matplotlib The axes we are working with. points: list instance from plt.plot The points to pick. rs: list of int The radius of the apertures, in pixels. :Notes: I understand 90% of this class, the rest being some black magic from the web. ''' def __init__(self, fig, ax, points, rs): ''' Defines the specific elements required by the class.''' self.axes = ax self.fig = fig self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas self.points = points self.xs = list(points.get_xdata()) self.ys = list(points.get_ydata()) = list(rs) self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onpress) self.keyPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.onKeyPress) self.pick=self.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onpick) self.radKey = 3. # Default aperture radius for new apertures, in pixels. self.pickEvent = False # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def onpress(self, event): '''Defines what happens when an 'event' happens on the matplotlib window. This function allows to add an aperture of a given radius, when doing a left-click on a matplotlib plot window. ''' #print 'Press Event received: %s' % event if self.pickEvent: # Are we also having a pickEvent ? Then, let it deal with it. self.pickEvent = False return # Black magic - no idea what this is. removed for now. #if self.canvas.widgetlock.locked(): return # Did the click happen outside the axes ? if event.inaxes is None: return # Is anything selected in the toolbar (e.g. zoom mode ?) # Only proceed if not. tb = plt.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar if event.inaxes!=self.points.axes: return # Left click ? Then proceed to add a new aperture. if tb.mode == '' and event.button == 1: # First, add the aperture center, which I use for the picking. # Round the result to an integer. self.xs.append(np.round(event.xdata)) self.ys.append(np.round(event.ydata)) self.points.set_data(self.xs, self.ys) #self.points.figure.canvas.draw() # Then, the aperture footprint, which I do NOT pick, and simply update it # on the way. It's a patch added to the ax. my_ap_scatter(self.axes, [np.round(event.xdata)], [np.round(event.ydata)], [self.radKey], facecolor='none',edgecolor='tomato') # And update the plot self.fig.canvas.draw()
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[docs] def onKeyPress(self, event): '''Defines what happens when a key is pressed, while on a matplotlib window. This function allows to change the aperture size by typing 'u' (radius += 1 pixel) or 'd' (radius -= 1 pixel). Minimum size set to 1 pixel. ''' # Just to be nice, in case the user missed a pushed button on the toolbar # Test if everything is free, issue a warning otherwise. tb = plt.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar if tb.mode != '': sys.stdout.write('\r Warning: the plot toolbar is busy ') sys.stdout.flush() return # Using the numeric keys causes trouble with the zoom level. Instead, use "u" and # "d" for incremental changes to the aperture size ! if event.key == 'u': self.radKey += 1. sys.stdout.write('\r New aperture radius: %i pixels ' % self.radKey) sys.stdout.flush() if event.key == 'd': if self.radKey > 1: self.radKey -= 1. sys.stdout.write('\r New aperture radius: %i pixels ' % self.radKey) sys.stdout.flush()
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[docs] def onpick(self, event): '''Defines what happens with pickEvent occurs in a matplotlib window. This function removes a given aperture if the user right-clicks on it. ''' #print 'Pick Event received: %s' % event self.pickEvent = True # Used to avoid clashes between onpick and onpress. I think. # If right click, then remove the aperture. if event.mouseevent.button == 3: index = event.ind # Remove the xs, ys and rs value. self.xs.pop(index) self.ys.pop(index) # Remove the peak point self.points.set_data(self.xs,self.ys) #self.points.figure.canvas.draw() # Also remove the aperture self.axes.patches.pop(index) # Update the figure self.fig.canvas.draw()
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[docs]def ap_outline(x0,y0,radius): ''' A function to construct the aperture outline as a function of the radius. :Args: x0: int x-coordinate of the aperture center, in pixels y0: int y-coordinate of the aperture center, in pixels radius: int aperture radius, in pixels. :Returns: out: 2-D numpy array The list of [xs,ys] coordinates of the aperture outline nodes, in pixels. :Notes: This function is in principle designed to construct the exact aperture outline for all pixels within "radius" of a given pixel. This works well for R <5, but breaks afterwards. Basically, the function starts missing pixels, and the area start looking like a diamond. The alternative is to define all the otuline polygons by hand - but I really do not feel like doing this manually. Is there a way to construct them with a smarter routine than below ? This function is left here for legacy purposes and remind me of what I did. But it is not used by brutus at the moment. Apertures are all shown as perfect circles for now. ''' nu = np.linspace(-radius-0.5, +radius+0.5,2*(radius+1)) nd = np.linspace(+radius+0.5, -radius-0.5,2*(radius+1)) xs = np.append([x for pair in zip(nu,nu) for x in pair][1:-1], [x for pair in zip(nd,nd) for x in pair][1:-1]) ys = np.append( xs[-len(xs)/4:],xs[:-len(xs)/4]) return zip(np.array(xs)+x0,np.array(ys)+y0)
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[docs]def my_ap_scatter(ax, xs, ys, rs, **kwargs): ''' A pseudo-plt.scatter function for easily displaying many apertures. This function use the plt.Circle routine to show individual apertures of different radii. Importantly, the radii are thus expressed in data units, and not in points. :Args: ax: Axes instance from matplotlib The Figure axes to which to add the aperture. xs: list of int The x-coordinates of the aperture centers, in pixels. ys: list of int The y-coordinates of the aperture centers, in pixels. rs: list of int The radii of the apertures, in pixels. :Returns: out: True Always. :Notes: In principle, each aperture could be shown "exactly" using plt.Polygon and the brutus_plots.ap_outline function. But the latter is not suitable for large apertures. Until fixed, each apertuyre is shown as a perfect circle using plt.Circle. ''' for (x, y, r) in zip(xs, ys, rs): circle = plt.Circle((x,y), radius=r, **kwargs) # TODO: Instead of a Circle, could I show the outline of which pixels will be # included or not ? The function below works, but not for radius >5, when it # looks weird (points start missing). #circle = plt.Polygon(ap_outline(x,y,r), **kwargs) ax.add_patch(circle) return True
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[docs]def build_ap_list(data, start_aps = None, radius = 3.0, automatic_mode=True, interactive_mode=False, lam = None, save_plot = None, ): ''' Detects local maxima in an image, and allows the manual inspection of the result. This function finds local maxima in 2-D array, and then offers the user the ability to check/modify the found peaks manually. It associate a fixed circular aperture to each peak (individually modifiable manually), used later to extract the integrated s pectra of these areas. :Args: data: 2-D numpy array The raw data from which to find maxima. start_aps: list of list [default: None] A pre-existing list of apertures. radius: int [default: 3.0] The default radius of the apertures associated with the local maxima detected automatically. automatic_mode: bool [default: True] Whether to detect peaks and assign apertures automatically or not. interactive_mode: bool [default:True] Whether to inspect the apertures manually or not. lam: float [default: False] The wavelength of the data, to be added to the plot title if set. save_plot: string [default: None] If set, the name of the file used to save the final aperture selection. :Returns: out: 2-D numpy array The array of apertures with shape (n,3), where n is the total number of apertures (1 per row), defined by (x,y,r) its center and radius (in pixels). :Notes: If start_aps are provided, then automatic_mode is False. ''' mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, iters=5) # I tried to play with daofind at some point, with some limited success. # It is very sensitive to varying background, and was not ideal to find HII regions # at the core of galaxies. # The next lines is left here for possible future usage, and remind me that I tried. # sources = daofind(data, fwhm=5.0, threshold=1.*std) # For now, these parameters are fixed. Until I see whether playing with them at the # user level can help or not. threshold = (1.0 * std) #myf = np.array([[0,1,1,1,0], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [1,1,1,1,1], # [0,1,1,1,0]]) if not(start_aps) and automatic_mode: # Find the local peak in the data. tbl = photutils.find_peaks(data, threshold, box_size=5, subpixel=False) xs = tbl['x_peak'] ys = tbl['y_peak'] rs = np.zeros(len(xs))+radius elif start_aps: # User provided us with apertures already. No need to start from scratch xs,ys,rs = zip(*start_aps) else: xs = np.zeros(0) ys = np.zeros(0) rs = np.ones(0) # Start the plotting plt.close(90) fig = plt.figure(90, figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1, height_ratios=[1], width_ratios=[1]) gs.update(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.93, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.03) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) # Note, I will here be working in pixel space for simplicity. No need to bother # with WCS coefficient for now. ax.imshow(data, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(), vmin=1, interpolation='nearest') # Plot the peaks, and make them pickable ! line, = ax.plot(xs, ys, ls='none', color='tomato', marker='+', ms=10, lw=1.5, picker=4) # Plot the associated apertures, but DON'T make them pickable. # Construct the size of the apertures associated with each peak, using the # default value from the user. # TODO: be smarter, and find the best aperture size for each peak. # E.G. 2D gaussian fitting ? # Also for now, just use a Circle my_ap_scatter(ax, xs, ys, rs, facecolor='none',edgecolor='tomato') # Now, the 1-line black magic command that deals with the user interaction if interactive_mode: apmanager = ApManager(fig, ax, line, rs) ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim((-10,np.shape(data)[1]+10)) ax.set_xlabel(r'x [pixels]', labelpad = 10) ax.set_ylim((-10,np.shape(data)[0]+10)) ax.set_ylabel(r'y [pixels]', labelpad = 10) ax.set_title(r'$\lambda$:%.2f' % lam) if interactive_mode: print ' Starting interactive mode:' print ' Aperture radius: 3 pixels' print ' [left-click] : add an aperture' print ' [right-click] : remove an aperture' print ' [u]+cursor on plot: larger aperture ' print ' [d]+cursor on plot: smaller aperture ' # A little trick to wait for the user to be done before proceeding while True: letter = raw_input(' [m] to save and continue, [zzz] to NOT save and '+ 'crash (maybe). \n') if letter in ['m','zzz']: break else: print ' [%s] unrecognized !' % letter line.remove() plt.savefig(save_plot+np.str(lam)+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if letter =='m': return zip(apmanager.xs, apmanager.ys, else: return False else: line.remove() plt.savefig(save_plot+np.str(lam)+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() return zip(xs,ys,rs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SpecManager(object): '''The class managing the interactive inspection of the fitted data. This class is designed to select spaxels, and plot the associated fit. :Notes: This class is an evolution of brutus_plots.ApManager(). It will make anyone with experience in events handling cry of despair. It works for now, but it could be faster, and with no doubt A LOT more elegant. Suggestions welcome. ''' def __init__(self, fig, ax1a, ax1b, ax3a, ax3b, ax3c, ax3d, patches, spectra, lams, data, lowess, ppxf, cont_mix, elines): self.fig = fig self.ax1a = ax1a self.ax1b = ax1b self.ax3a = ax3a self.ax3b = ax3b self.ax3c = ax3c self.ax3d = ax3d self.canvas = ax1a.figure.canvas self.patch1a = patches[0] self.patch1b = patches[1] self.spec3 = spectra[0] self.lowess3 = spectra[1] self.ppxf3 = spectra[2] self.fit3 = spectra[3] self.dspec3b = spectra[4] self.dspec3c = spectra[5] self.dspec3d = spectra[6] self.lams = lams = data self.lowess = lowess self.ppxf = ppxf self.cont_mix = cont_mix self.elines = elines self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onpress)
[docs] def onpress(self, event): ''' #Define what happens when a click happens on the matplotlib window. ''' # Did the click happen outside the axes ? if event.inaxes is None: return # Is anything selected in the toolbar (e.g. zoom mode ?) # Only proceed if not. tb = plt.get_current_fig_manager().toolbar # Left click on the images ? Then load a new spectrum from the chosen spaxel if tb.mode == '' and event.button == 1 and event.inaxes in [self.ax1a, self.ax1b]: # First, update the spaxel marker location self.patch1a.remove() symb = plt.Rectangle([,], 1,1,angle=0,color='tomato') self.patch1a = self.ax1a.add_patch(symb) # --- self.patch1b.remove() symb = plt.Rectangle([,], 1,1,angle=0,color='tomato') self.patch1b = self.ax1b.add_patch(symb) # Update the label self.ax1a.set_title('Spaxel: %s - %s' % (str(, str(, fontsize=20) # Now, update the spectrum in the master spec plot for dat in [self.spec3, self.lowess3, self.ppxf3, self.fit3, self.dspec3b, self.dspec3c, self.dspec3d]: dat[0].remove() # Erase self.spec3 = self.ax3a.plot(self.lams,[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], 'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') # Add new data self.ppxf3 = self.ax3a.plot(self.lams, self.ppxf[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='firebrick',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=2) self.lowess3 = self.ax3a.plot(self.lams, self.lowess[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='darkorange',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=2) self.fit3 = self.ax3a.plot(self.lams, self.cont_mix[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]+ self.elines[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='royalblue',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=1) self.dspec3b = self.ax3b.plot(self.lams,[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]- self.lowess[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='k',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=1) self.dspec3c = self.ax3c.plot(self.lams,[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]- self.ppxf[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='k',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=1) self.dspec3d = self.ax3d.plot(self.lams,[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]- self.cont_mix[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)]- self.elines[:,int(event.ydata),int(event.xdata)], '-',c='k',drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=1) # And reset the axes y-range automatically self.ax3a.relim() self.ax3a.autoscale_view() # And update the plot for ax in [self.ax3a,self.ax3b, self.ax3c, self.ax3d, self.ax1a, self.ax1b]: ax.figure.canvas.draw() # Left click on the dspec area ? Double the axis range elif tb.mode == '' and event.button == 1 and event.inaxes in [self.ax3b, self.ax3c, self.ax3d]: currlim = self.ax3b.get_ylim() for ax in [self.ax3b,self.ax3c,self.ax3d]: ax.set_ylim((currlim[0]*2,currlim[1]*2)) ax.set_yticks((currlim[0],currlim[1])) ax.figure.canvas.draw() # Right click on the dspec area ? Half the axis range elif tb.mode == '' and event.button == 3 and event.inaxes in [self.ax3b, self.ax3c, self.ax3d]: currlim = self.ax3b.get_ylim() for ax in [self.ax3b,self.ax3c,self.ax3d]: ax.set_ylim((currlim[0]/2.,currlim[1]/2.)) ax.set_yticks((currlim[0]/4.,currlim[1]/4.)) ax.figure.canvas.draw()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def inspect_spaxels(lams, data, lowess, ppxf, cont_mix, elines, map, vmap, irange, vrange, ofn=False): ''' Interactive inspection fo the brutus fit output. This function generates an interactive plot allowing to select individual spaxels and visualize how well/bad they were fitted. :Args: lams: 1-D array The wavelength array of the data. data: 3-D numpy array The raw data. lowess: 3-D numpy array The fitted lowess continuum cube. ppxf: 3-D numpy array The fitted ppxf continuum cube. cont_mix: The continuum cube that is already mixed,l according to the user choices. elines: 3-D numpy array The pure emission line cube. map: 2-D numpy array The line inetnsity map. vmap: 2-D numpy array The gas velocity map. irange: list of int The range of the colorbar for the intensity plot. vrange: list of int The range of the colorbar for the velocity dispersion plot. ofn: string [default: None] The filename (+path!) of the plot saved. :Returns: out: True Always. ''' # Starting location for the plot. Middle of the cube nx = int(np.shape(data[0])[1]/2.) ny = int(np.shape(data[0])[0]/2.) plt.close(91) fig = plt.figure(91, figsize=(16,9)) # Here, create multiple instance of gridspec, to have "total" control. # First for two maps, to show the location of the spaxel. gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1, height_ratios=[1,1], width_ratios=[1]) gs1.update(left=0.63, right=0.98, bottom=0.1, top=0.93, wspace=0, hspace=0.05) # Then 4 spectra plots, to show the various fits. gs3 = gridspec.GridSpec(4,1, height_ratios=[1,0.5,0.5,0.5], width_ratios=[1]) gs3.update(left=0.1, right=0.63, bottom=0.1, top=0.96, wspace=0, hspace=0.05) # Start with the 2-D maps ax1b = plt.subplot(gs1[1,0]) ax1a = plt.subplot(gs1[0,0],sharex=ax1b, sharey=ax1b) # Here, sharex/y = zoom is tied! ax1a.set_adjustable('box-forced') ax1b.set_adjustable('box-forced') # Here, I will need to allow for an automatic range set for the colorbars im1 = ax1a.imshow(map, cmap=alligator, origin='lower', norm=LogNorm(), vmin=irange[0], vmax=irange[1], interpolation='nearest') im2 = ax1b.imshow(vmap, cmap=alligator, origin='lower', vmin=vrange[0],vmax=vrange[1], interpolation='nearest') # A red dot for showing which spaxel we're at. symb = plt.Rectangle([nx-0.5,ny-0.5],1,1,angle=0,color='r') patch1a = ax1a.add_patch(symb) symb = plt.Rectangle([nx-0.5,ny-0.5],1,1,angle=0,color='r') patch1b = ax1b.add_patch(symb) patches = [patch1a,patch1b] # Also write it down, for clarity ax1a.set_title('Spaxel: %s - %s' % (str(, str(, fontsize=20) # Deal with the axis labels, etc... ax1a.set_xticklabels([]) for ax in [ax1a, ax1b]: ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.label_position='right' # Put this on the right. ax.set_ylabel(r'y [pixels]', labelpad=30, fontsize=20) if ax in [ax1b]: ax.set_xlabel(r'x [pixels]', fontsize=20) # Now, deal with the various spectra ax3d = plt.subplot(gs3[3,0]) ax3a = plt.subplot(gs3[0,0], sharex=ax3d) # Tie the zoom, here again. ax3b = plt.subplot(gs3[1,0], sharex=ax3d) # Tie the zoom, here again. ax3c = plt.subplot(gs3[2,0], sharex=ax3d) # Tie the zoom, here again. # Hide the axis ticks hen not necessary for ax in [ax3a,ax3b,ax3c]: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # Start the actual plotting spec3 = ax3a.plot(lams,data[:,ny,nx],'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid',lw=2) ppxf3 = ax3a.plot(lams,ppxf[:,ny,nx],'-',c='firebrick', drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=2) lowess3 = ax3a.plot(lams,lowess[:,ny,nx],'-',c='darkorange', drawstyle='steps-mid', lw=2) fit3 = ax3a.plot(lams,cont_mix[:,ny,nx]+elines[:,ny,nx],'-',c='royalblue', drawstyle='steps-mid') dspec3b = ax3b.plot(lams,data[:,ny,nx]-lowess[:,ny,nx],'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') dspec3c = ax3c.plot(lams,data[:,ny,nx]-ppxf[:,ny,nx],'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') dspec3d = ax3d.plot(lams,data[:,ny,nx]-cont_mix[:,ny,nx]-elines[:,ny,nx],'k-', drawstyle='steps-mid') spectra = [spec3,ppxf3,lowess3,fit3,dspec3b,dspec3c,dspec3d] # Make things look pretty for ax in [ax1a,ax1b,ax3a,ax3b,ax3c,ax3d]: ax.grid(True) if ax in [ax3a,ax3b,ax3c,ax3d]: ax.set_xlim((np.min(lams),np.max(lams))) if ax in [ax3b,ax3c,ax3d]: ax.set_ylim((-20,20)) ax.set_yticks([-10,10]) ax.axhline(0,c='r') if ax in [ax3d]: ax.set_xlabel(r'Observed wavelength [\AA]') # Add labels ax3a.set_ylabel(r'F$_\lambda$ [10$^{-20}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ \AA$^{-1}$]', fontsize=15) ax3b.set_ylabel(r'F$_\lambda$ - lowess ', fontsize=15) ax3c.set_ylabel(r'F$_\lambda$ - ppxf ', fontsize=15) ax3d.set_ylabel(r'F$_\lambda$ - fit ', fontsize=15) # Launch the interactive black magic specmanager = SpecManager(fig,ax1a,ax1b,ax3a,ax3b,ax3c,ax3d, patches, spectra, lams, data, lowess, ppxf, cont_mix, elines) # A little trick to wait for the user to be done before proceeding while True: letter = raw_input(' [v]+[some-text] to save the current view, [z] to end.\n') if letter[0] == 'v': plt.savefig(ofn+letter+'.pdf',bbox_inches='tight') elif letter == 'z': break else: print ' [%s] unrecognized !' % letter plt.close(91) return True