# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
brutus: a set of Python modules to process datacubes from integral field spectrographs.\n
Copyright (C) 2016, F.P.A. Vogt
This file contains several function and tools used by the brutus routines to correct
emission line fluxes for galactic and extragalactic reddening.
Created April 2016, F.P.A. Vogt - frederic.vogt@alumni.anu.edu.au
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from brutus_metadata import *
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def D_fm90(x,gamma,x0):
''' The UV points from Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990).
x: float
Wavelength in 1/microns.
gamma: float
The gamma factor.
x0: float
The x0 factor.
return x**2/((x**2-x0**2)**2+x**2*gamma**2)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def F_fm90(x):
'''The UV points from Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990).
x: float
Wavelength in 1/microns.
out = np.zeros_like(x)
for (i,item) in enumerate(x):
if item >= 5.9:
out[i] = 0.5392*(item-5.9)**2 + 0.05644*(item-5.9)**3
else :
out[i] = 0.0
return out
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def f99_alebv(lams,rv=3.1): # lams in Angstroem
'''The spline-interpolated Fitzpatrick, PASP (1999) Alambda/E(B-V) function.
lams: 1-D numpy array of floats
The wavelengths in Angstroem.
rv: float [default: 3.1]
The Rv value.
my_lams = 1.0e4/lams
# Make sure this is an array, or the code will crash
try :
except :
my_lams = np.array([my_lams])
# First, the anchor points (in 1/lambda)
uv_anchors = np.array([3.704,3.846])
optical_anchors = np.array([1.667, 1.828, 2.141, 2.433])
ir_anchors = np.array([0.0,0.377, 0.820])
# ---- The parameters for the UV points ----
c2 = -0.824 + 4.717/rv
c1 = 2.030 - 3.007 * c2
x0 = 4.596
gamma = 0.99
c3 = 3.23
c4 = 0.41
D = D_fm90(uv_anchors,gamma,x0)
F = F_fm90(uv_anchors)
kx_V = c1 + c2 * uv_anchors + c3 * D + c4 * F
uv_spline = kx_V + rv
# ---- For the optical anchors ----
optical_spline = np.zeros_like(optical_anchors)
optical_spline[0] = -0.426 + 1.0044 * rv
optical_spline[1] = -0.050 + 1.0016 * rv
optical_spline[2] = 0.701 + 1.0016 * rv
optical_spline[3] = +1.208 + 1.0032 * rv - 0.00033 * rv**2
# WARNING : typo in F99 ?
# See their Table 4 ... with '-1.208', it doesn't work !
# ---- For the IR anchors ----
ir_spline = rv/3.1 * np.array([0.0,0.265,0.829])
# Ok, now, perform the spline interpolation
wave = np.append(np.append(ir_anchors, optical_anchors), uv_anchors)
alebv = np.append(np.append(ir_spline, optical_spline), uv_spline)
interp_func = interpolate.interp1d(wave, alebv, kind='cubic',
bounds_error = False)
# bounds_error = False -> Will return a NaN is outside the allowed range
# Finally, compute the value at the wavelengths of interest
out = np.zeros_like(my_lams)
# If lam > 2700, use the spline function
out[lams>2700] = interp_func(my_lams[lams>2700])
# If lam <= 2700, use the fm90 function
Dl = D_fm90(my_lams[lams<=2700], gamma, x0)
Fl = F_fm90(my_lams[lams<=2700])
out[lams<=2700] = rv + c1 + c2 * my_lams[lams<=2700] + c3 * Dl + c4 * Fl
return out
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get E_lambda-V/E_B-V following Fischera & Dopita05. Unlike Vogt et al. (2013), follow
# the paper more closely, and allow for varying values of Rv using polynomials given in
# the text. In other words, use BOTH rv and rva to characterize the attenuation curve.
[docs]def fd05_elvebv(lams, rv = 3.08, rva = 4.3): # lams in Angstroem
'''Compute E(lambda-V)/E(B-V) according to Fischera&Dopita (2005), given Rv and Rva.
This function reproduces Table 1 in the article. Unlike in Appendix 1 of Vogt et al.
(2013), this function relies on the polynomials defined in the text to reproduce the
values of E(lambda-V)/E(B-V) for any Rv and Rva.
lams: 1-D numpy array of float
The wavelengths at which to evaluate the attenutation.
rv: float [default: 3.08]
The Rv value, following Fischera & Dopita.
rva: float [default: 4.5]
The Rva value, following Fischera & Dopita.
out: 1-D numpy aarray of float
The value of E(lambda-V)/E(B-V), as in Table 1 and Fig.3 of the article.
By default, Rv = 3.08 and Rva = 4.3, which gives a curve vey close to that of
Calzetti (2000) below the 2000 Ansgtroem bump. Thanks to R. Sutherland at ANU/RSAA
for sharing his reddening code (included in MAPPINGS V), which helped me implement
this function properly.
# Make sure this is an array (for the overall consistency)
try :
except :
lams = np.array([lams])
# Rv < 3.08 is probably a bad thing ...
if rv < 3.08:
sys.exit(" Rv <3.08 not supported !")
# The wavelength nodes from Table 1 in microns
lam_nodes = np.array([0.0912, 0.1053, 0.1216, 0.1550, 0.1906, 0.2175, 0.2480, 0.3000,
0.3650, 0.4400, 0.5480, 0.7200, 1.0300, 1.2390, 1.6490, 2.1920,
3.5920, 4.7770])
# Do it all for the Av=1 curves. According to the paper:
# If the approximation obtained for AV= 1 is used for a turbulent medium where
# AV= 10 the accuracy is better than ∼5%.
# The curve for Rv=Rva=3.08
elv_ebv308a1 = np.array([12.066, 9.694, 7.328, 5.018, 5.214, 6.937, 4.573, 2.967,
1.924, 1.000, 0.000,-0.991,-1.871,-2.171,-2.498,-2.716,
-2.932, -2.992])
# The x from Eqt. 8. Al/Av = (Elv/Ebv*1/Rv) + 1
xs = elv_ebv308a1/3.08 + 1.0
# The a coefficients, as polynomial using the b coefficients from Table 2.
fa1 = np.poly1d([0.0, 1.64220, -3.62163, 3.42939, 0.00495676])
fa2 = np.poly1d([-2.199, 5.11725, -0.668874, -0.708645, 0.0393932])
fa3 = np.poly1d([21.5465, -19.2137, 5.17489, -0.484444, 0.0174931])
# By definition, following Par.2 in Sec 3.1.:
alphav = 3.08
# Eqt. 11
m = 1 + 0.275 * (rv - alphav)
# Eqt. 10
alphava = m**-1*(rva - rv) + alphav
# Eqt. 9
z = (alphava-1.0)**-1
a1 = fa1(z)
a2 = fa2(z)
a3 = fa3(z)
# Eqt. 8
alav = a1 * np.log10(xs)
alav += a2 * (np.log10(xs))**2
alav += a3 * (np.log10(xs))**3
alav = 10.**alav
# Reproduce the values of table 1. These are approximated using the polynomials, and
# according to the article (for the table, set rv=3.08 and rva =...):
# If applied to situations where the absolute attenuation AV is either 1 or 10, the
# approximations are better than 1.3%. In general the accuracy is somewhat lower.
# If the approximation obtained for AV= 1 is used for a turbulent medium where AV= 10
# the accuracy is better than ∼5%. The largest errors occurs at low optical depths.
# For x≥1 the approximation is better than ∼2%.
elbebv = (alav-1.) * rva
# Very well, now, I need to interpolate between these nodes, to get a smooth function
# at "any" wavelength. Use Akima splines. Fit the curve in 1/lam space, because the
# points are a lot smoother then. Reverse their order, because x must be strictly
# ascending. To be clear, this fits elb_ebv as a function of 1/lambda in 1/microns
akima_spline = sp.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(1./lam_nodes[::-1],elbebv[::-1])
return akima_spline(1./(lams*1e-4))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def cal00_ke(lams,rv):
'''The Calzetti (2000) law. lams in Angstroem.
This does NOT include the 0.44 correction factor to apply for stellar extinction.
# Make sure lams is an array (for the overall consistency)
try :
except :
lams = np.array([lams])
my_lams = 1.0e4/lams
ke = np.zeros_like(lams,dtype='d')
for i in range(len(lams)):
if lams[i]/1.0e4 < 0.63 and lams[i]/1.0e4 >= 0.12 :
ke[i] = 2.659 * (-2.156 +1.509 * my_lams[i] - 0.198*my_lams[i]**2 +
0.011 * my_lams[i]**3) + rv
elif lams[i]/1.0e4 < 2.20 and lams[i]/1.0e4 >= 0.63 :
ke[i] = 2.659 * (-1.857 +1.040 *my_lams[i]) + rv
return ke
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following Cardelli, Clayton & Mathis (1989)
[docs]def ccm89_alav(lams, rv): # lams in Angstroem
The law from Caredelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989). lams in Angstroem.
# Make sure lams is an array
try :
except :
lams = np.array([lams])
my_lams = 1.0e4/lams
a = np.zeros_like(lams, dtype ='d')
b = np.zeros_like(lams, dtype ='d')
alav = np.zeros_like(lams, dtype ='d')
for i in range(len(my_lams)):
x = my_lams[i]
if 0.3 <= x and x < 1.1 :
a[i] = 0.574 * x**1.61
b[i] = -0.527 * x**1.61
elif 1.1 <= x and x < 3.3 :
y = x-1.82
a[i] = 1. + 0.17699 * y -0.50447 * y**2 - 0.02427 * y**3 +\
0.72085 * y**4 + 0.01979 * y**5 - 0.77530 * y**6 + 0.32999 * y**7
b[i] = 1.41338 * y + 2.28305 * y**2 + 1.07233 * y**3 - 5.38434 * y**4 -\
0.62251 * y**5 + 5.30260 * y**6 - 2.09002 * y**7
elif 3.3 <= x and x<= 8 :
if x < 5.9 :
fa = 0
fb = 0
else :
fa = -0.04473 * (x-5.9)**2 - 0.009779 * (x-5.9)**3
fb = 0.2130 * (x-5.9)**2 + 0.1207 * (x-5.9)**3
a[i] = 1.752 - 0.316 * x - 0.104/((x-4.67)**2 + 0.341) + fa
b[i] = -3.090 + 1.825 * x + 1.206/((x-4.62)**2 + 0.263) + fb
alav = a + b/rv
return alav
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def alam(lams, ab, av, curve='f99', rv=None, rva=4.5):
'''Calculate the value of A_lambda for different extinction/attenuation laws.
lams: 1-D numpy array of float
The values at which to evaluate the attenuation/extinction.
ab: float
The extinction in B (e.g. according to NED)
av: float
The extinction in V (e.g. according to NED)
curve: string [default: 'f99']
Which extinction/attenuation curve to use.
rv: float
The value of Rv.
rva: float [default: 4.5]
The value of Rva, if using curve='fd05'.
To reproduce the values given in NED, set curve='f99', and rv = 3.1. The default
value of Rv will depend on the curve used (if not specified). rv=3.1 for 'f99',
rv=3.08 for 'fd05', rv=4.05 for 'cal00' and 'cal00*', and rv=3.1 for 'ccm89'.
'cal00*' includes a 0.44 correction factor to derive the stellar extinction.
if curve == 'f99':
if rv is None:
rv = 3.1
out = f99_alebv(lams,rv) * (ab-av)
return out
if curve == 'fd05':
# From Fischera& Dopita (2005), see also Vogt et al. (2013).
if rv is None:
rv = 3.08
red = fd05_elvebv(lams, rv=rv, rva=rva)
return (red + rva) * (ab-av)
elif 'cal00' in curve:
if rv is None :
rv = 4.05
corr = 1.0
if curve == 'cal00*':
corr = 0.44
return cal00_ke(lams,rv)*(ab-av)*corr
elif curve =='ccm89':
if rv is None:
rv = 3.1
return ccm89_alav(lams,rv)*av
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def galactic_red(lams, ab, av, curve='f99', rv = 3.1, rva = 4.3):
'''Calculate the galactic extinction for a given sight-line, using Ab and Av.
lams: 1-D numpy array of float
The values at which to evaluate the attenuation/extinction.
ab: float
The extinction in B (e.g. according to NED).
av: float
The extinction in V (e.g. according to NED) .
curve: string [default: 'f99']
Which extinction/attenuation curve to use.
rv: float
Rv value.
rva: float [default: 4.5]
The value of Rva, if using curve='fd05'.
out: 1-dNumpy array
The ratio of Flux_(unreddened)/ Flux_(observed).
To follow NED, set curve='f99', and rv = 3.1. The default
value of Rv will depend on the curve used (if not specified). rv=3.1 for 'f99',
rv=3.08 for 'fd05', rv=4.05 for 'cal00' and 'cal00*', and rv=3.1 for 'ccm89'.
'cal00*' includes a 0.44 correction factor to derive the stellar extinction.
tau = alam(lams,ab,av,curve=curve,rv=rv) * (2.5*np.log10(np.e))**-1
return np.exp(tau)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def hahb_to_av(hahb,hahb_0, curve = 'fd05', rv = None, rva=4.3):
'''A function to get the reddening in Av mag, from Ha/Hb ratio.
ha_hb: 1-D numpy array
The flux ratio of Halpha to Hbeta (NOT the log!)
ha_hb_0: float
The theoretical value of Halpha/Hbeta. (2.86 for SB, more for AGNs)
curve: string [default: 'fd05']
Which reddeing law to use ?
rv: float [default: None]
The value of Rv to use. None for the default.
out: 1-D numpy array
The corrseponding values of Av.
See also Vogt+ (2013), Appendix A. By default, Rv = 3.08 and Rva = 4.3, which
gives a curve vey close to that of Calzetti (2000) below the 2000 Ansgtroem bump.
if curve == 'fd05' :
ehavebv = fd05_elvebv(ha)
ehbvebv = fd05_elvebv(hb)
out = -2.5*np.log10(hahb/hahb_0)*(rva/(ehavebv-ehbvebv))
return out
if curve == 'ccm89':
if rv == None:
rv = 3.1
aHaav = ccm89_alav(ha, rv)
aHbav = ccm89_alav(hb, rv)
return -2.5*np.log10(hahb/hahb_0)*(1./(aHaav-aHbav))
elif curve == 'cal00':
if rv == None:
keHa = cal00_ke(ha,rv)
keHb = cal00_ke(hb,rv)
return -2.5*np.log10(hahb/hahb_0)*(rv/(keHa-keHb))
elif curve == 'f99':
if rv == None:
aHaebv = f99_alebv(ha,rv)
aHbebv = f99_alebv(hb,rv)
return -2.5*np.log10(hahb/hahb_0)*(rv/(aHaebv-aHbebv))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def check():
Make some quick plots to test the reddening functions of brutus, by comparing with
the original papers. And make sure I did not mess things up ...
# 1) Check Cardelli89 and Fitzpatrick99: reproduce Fig. 7 of Fitzpatrick99
x = np.arange(0.0001,8.75,0.001)
lams = 1/x*1.e4
plt.figure(97, figsize = (15,7))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1, height_ratios=[1], width_ratios=[1])
gs.update(left=0.1,right=0.95,bottom=0.15,top=0.9,wspace=0.05,hspace=0.05 )
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ls = ['r','m','g','b']
for (i,r) in enumerate([2.3,3.1,4.0,5.5]):
f99_curve = f99_alebv(lams,r) - r
ccm89_curve = (ccm89_alav(lams,r)*r) -r
ax1.plot(x,f99_curve,ls[i]+'-', label=r'R$_V$ = '+np.str(r), linewidth=2)
ax1.set_xlabel(r'1/$\lambda$ [$\mu$m$^{-1}$]')
ax1.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize=15)
ax1.text(0.1,11,'Fitzpatrick (1999) - Fig. 7; F99 (-) vs CCM89 (- -)')
# Add the MUSE range because I can
ax1.axvline(x=1./(4750./1e4),ymax=0.65,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.axvline(x=1./(9350./1e4),ymax=0.65,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.text(1.7,7,r'MUSE range (4750\AA $\rightarrow$ 9350\AA)',ha='center')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2) Compare with Fischera & Dopita 2005
x = np.arange(0.0001,7.5,0.1)
lams = 1/x*1.e4
plt.figure(98, figsize=(10,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1, height_ratios=[1,0.5], width_ratios=[1])
gs.update(left=0.15,right=0.9,bottom=0.1,top=0.95,wspace=0.05,hspace=0.05 )
r = 3.1
f99_curve = f99_alebv(lams,r) - r
ccm89_curve = (ccm89_alav(lams,r)*r) -r
cal00_curve = cal00_ke(lams,4.05) - 4.05
fd05_curve = fd05_elvebv(lams,rv=3.08,rva=4.3)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax1.plot(x,f99_curve,'r-', linewidth=1,label=r'F99, R$_V$='+np.str(r))
ax1.plot(x,ccm89_curve,'g-',label=r'CCM89, R$_V$='+np.str(r))
ax1.plot(x,cal00_curve,'b-',label=r'Cal00, R$_V$=4.05')
ax1.plot(x,fd05_curve,'k--',linewidth=2, label='FD05,R$_V$=3.08, R$_V^{A}$=4.3')
ax1.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize=15)
ax1.axvline(x=1./(4750./1e4),ymax=0.65,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.axvline(x=1./(9350./1e4),ymax=0.65,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.text(1.7,2.5,r'MUSE range (4750\AA $\rightarrow$ 9350\AA)',ha='center')
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1,0])
ax2.axhline(y=0,color =(0.4,0.4,0.4), linewidth=2)
ax2.plot(x,f99_curve-fd05_curve,'r-', linewidth=1,label=r'F99, R$_V$='+np.str(r))
ax2.plot(x,ccm89_curve-fd05_curve,'g-',label=r'CCM89, R$_V$='+np.str(r))
ax2.plot(x,cal00_curve-fd05_curve,'b-',label=r'Cal00, R$_V$='+np.str(r))
#ax2.legend(loc='lower right')
ax2.set_xlabel(r'1/$\lambda$ [$\mu$m$^{-1}$]')
ax2.axvline(x=1./(4750./1e4),c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax2.axvline(x=1./(9350./1e4),c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3) Reproduce Fig.1 of Calzetti (2001)
x = np.arange(0.0001,7.5,0.01)
lams = 1/x*1.e4
plt.figure(99, figsize=(10,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1, height_ratios=[1], width_ratios=[1])
gs.update(left=0.15,right=0.9,bottom=0.1,top=0.95,wspace=0.05,hspace=0.05 )
f99_2 = f99_alebv(lams,2.0)
f99_31 = f99_alebv(lams,3.1)
f99_5 = f99_alebv(lams,5.0)
ccm89_2 = ccm89_alav(lams,2.0)*2.0
ccm89_31 = ccm89_alav(lams,3.1)*3.1
ccm89_5 = ccm89_alav(lams,5.0)*5.0
#ccm89_curve = (ccm89_alav(lams,r)*r) -r
cal00_curve = cal00_ke(lams,4.05)
fd05_curve = fd05_elvebv(lams,rv=3.08,rva=4.3)+4.3
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),f99_2,'g:', linewidth=1,label=r'F99, R$_V$=2.0')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),f99_31,'g-', linewidth=1,label=r'F99, R$_V$=3.1')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),f99_5,'g--', linewidth=1,label=r'F99, R$_V$=5.0')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),ccm89_2,'r:', linewidth=1,label=r'CCM89, R$_V$=2.0')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),ccm89_31,'r-', linewidth=1,label=r'CCM89, R$_V$=3.1')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),ccm89_5,'r--', linewidth=1,label=r'CCM89, R$_V$=5.0')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),cal00_curve,'b-',label=r'Cal00, R$_V$=4.05')
ax1.plot(np.log10(lams/1.e4),fd05_curve,'k--',linewidth=2, label='FD05,R$_V$=3.08, R$_{V}^{A}$=4.3')
ax1.set_xlabel(r'log[$\lambda$($\mu$m)]', labelpad=10)
ax1.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=15)
# Add the MUSE range because I can
ax1.axvline(x=np.log10(4750./1e4),ymax=0.5,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.axvline(x=np.log10(9350./1e4),ymax=0.5,c='k',ls='-', lw=2)
ax1.text(-0.15,8.1,r'MUSE range (4750\AA $\rightarrow$ 9350\AA)',ha='center')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------