brutus_ppxf module

brutus: a set of Python modules to process datacubes from integral field spectrographs.

Copyright (C) 2016, F.P.A. Vogt

This file contains functions to call ppxf to fit the continuum in a given spectra. It is based on the examples provided by M. Cappellari within ppxf istelf (e.g. &, but has been modified to account for a wavelength dependant spectral resolution of the data.

Basically, this is designed with MUSE in mind.

Created February 2016, F.P.A. Vogt -

brutus_ppxf.ppxf_population(specerr, templates=None, velscale=None, start=None, goodpixels=None, plot=False, moments=4, degree=-1, vsyst=None, clean=False, mdegree=10, regul=None)[source]

Function that calls ppxf, designed to be called from multiprocessing (i.e. only require 1 argument). Everything else is taken care of outside of this.

brutus_ppxf.setup_spectral_library(velscale, inst, sl_name, fit_lims, z)[source]

This prepares the set of stellar templates to be fed to ppxf.

Param:velscale - the velocity scale for the log-rebinning
Param:inst - the instrument that took the data, e.g. ‘MUSE’
Param:sl_name - the name of the stellar library to use
Param:fit_lims - the spectral range for the fit (data & templates overlap)
Param:z - redshift of target - needed for correct reshaping of fwhm_target.
Returns:...lots of stuf...
brutus_ppxf.sl_resample(fn, z=0, inst='MUSE', sl_name='MILES_ppxf_default', do_cap=True)[source]

This function resamples a given spectrum (i.e. from a stellar library) to match theresolution of the instrument that took the data.

Param:fn: filename of stellar template
Param:z: redshift of the target observations
Param:inst: which instrument are we using
Param:sl_name: which templates do we use ?
Do_cap:do the convolution using M.Cappellari in-built function

Returns the convolved spectrum